民营书店站在风口浪尖 不得不闭店迁址的席殊书屋 9月 18日关闭北京总店,最后的一天一夜连续营业,所剩书籍均以 2折出售!至此,这家跨区域的全国性民营连锁书店———席殊书屋划上了近年来民营书店发展史上的一个休止符。 据悉,中国民营书店的经营毛利在 28%— 30
Private bookstore stand on the cusp had closed shop relocation XiShu book store on September 18 closed Beijing headquarters, the last day and night continuous operation, the remaining books are sold 2 fold! At this point, this cross-regional national chain of private bookstores --- Xi special bookstore planted in recent years, the development of private bookstore in the history of a rest. It is reported that China’s private bookstore operating margin at 28% - 30