Ovarian primary malignant melanoma with Magnus syndrome is rare. We have encountered one case and are hereby reported as follows. Patient Bao X, female, 20 years old. The v. abdomen gradually increases with pain from March to April. On April 5th, 1982, she was diagnosed with “gastritis” with pain in the umbilical cord and upper abdomen, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The treatment did not improve, and her abdomen increased rapidly with fever and cough. Her breathing was difficult and she could not lie flat. He was admitted to hospital on April 30, 1982. Physical examination: shortness of breath, not lying. Breathing 26 beats/minute, pulse 90 beats/minute, body temperature 38.2°C. The blood pressure is 110/70mmHg, and the whole body has no pigmentation. Superficial lymph nodes are not swollen. heart(-). The lower lungs of the two lungs were diagnosed as real sounds, and the breath sounds were significantly reduced. No voice was heard, no name was found, and there was 50 ml of the left palm. The pale yellow liquid was about 60 ml in the left chest. Abdominal swelling