【摘要】作为一名普通的高中英语老师,我在执着地追逐着我的梦想,让我的学生去愉快地学习。我对于高效课堂的理解,是运用多种方式,调动学生的积极性。让学生通过小组合作和自主探究的方式去参与老师组织的各项活动,在有限的时间内达到教学目标。在有限的课堂上,同学们的思维得到无限的激发;在有限的课堂上同学们演绎出无限的热情。通过小组合作,同学们参与课堂活动面之广;通过小组竞争,加速了同学们的思维速度。下面就我的教案进行分析:牛津高中英语 M2U2 Project《Making a travel leaflet》这是一个关于香格里拉的旅游宣传册,本节课的教学目标有两个,一个通过领略香格里拉之美去感受英语语言之贴切。另外一个就是教会学生去做旅游小册子。
【关键词】牛津英语 高效课堂 英语实例分析
Teacher:If you have time,have money.Do you want to travel?
Teacher:If you want to travel,where can you get information about the place you like to go?
Students: travel book/magazine/ Website/ TV/friends/travel agent/travel leaflet
小册子。leaflet 对于大家来说是一个新单词,为了锻炼大家自主学习能力。对于这个环节的处理,我采用个体竞争,看哪位同学查字典查得最快?leaflet,it means a small piece of printed paper giving information or advertising.然后我播放一张香格里拉的宣传图片,准备导入这篇文章。
Step 2
Try to find more sentences to describe the beauty of Shangri-la in our book or use your own words.
Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss for words.
Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures,making the land a happy home for the local people.
这一部分,我采用小组合作的方式,发挥同学们的想象力。让同学们欣赏完香格里拉之美后。用自己的话去表达香格里拉之美,或是找出课本上其他美丽景色描述。同学们通过小组热烈的讨论。写出了让我感叹的语言,比如有一组同学是这样写的:when you look up your head,you will find the sky is blue; When you look down your head,you will find the grass is green; When you look around,you will find people live in harmony with nature; When you close your eyes,you will feel peaceful!
我又开始发问 Why is Shangri-la a happy home for the local people? Is it polluted? 学生回答“no”。我顺势进行总结“Be friendly to nature and in return nature will provide you with a happy home.”对同学们的情感态度价值观方面进行提升。
Now it’s your show time.Make a travel leaflet about the place you have visited.
Include necessary information in your leaflet.(subtitles)
Make your leaflet interesting and attractive!
Step 4
Complete your leaflet with all the details.
【关键词】牛津英语 高效课堂 英语实例分析
Teacher:If you have time,have money.Do you want to travel?
Teacher:If you want to travel,where can you get information about the place you like to go?
Students: travel book/magazine/ Website/ TV/friends/travel agent/travel leaflet
小册子。leaflet 对于大家来说是一个新单词,为了锻炼大家自主学习能力。对于这个环节的处理,我采用个体竞争,看哪位同学查字典查得最快?leaflet,it means a small piece of printed paper giving information or advertising.然后我播放一张香格里拉的宣传图片,准备导入这篇文章。
Step 2
Try to find more sentences to describe the beauty of Shangri-la in our book or use your own words.
Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss for words.
Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures,making the land a happy home for the local people.
这一部分,我采用小组合作的方式,发挥同学们的想象力。让同学们欣赏完香格里拉之美后。用自己的话去表达香格里拉之美,或是找出课本上其他美丽景色描述。同学们通过小组热烈的讨论。写出了让我感叹的语言,比如有一组同学是这样写的:when you look up your head,you will find the sky is blue; When you look down your head,you will find the grass is green; When you look around,you will find people live in harmony with nature; When you close your eyes,you will feel peaceful!
我又开始发问 Why is Shangri-la a happy home for the local people? Is it polluted? 学生回答“no”。我顺势进行总结“Be friendly to nature and in return nature will provide you with a happy home.”对同学们的情感态度价值观方面进行提升。
Now it’s your show time.Make a travel leaflet about the place you have visited.
Include necessary information in your leaflet.(subtitles)
Make your leaflet interesting and attractive!
Step 4
Complete your leaflet with all the details.