1970年12月7日.华沙一个很寻常的冬日,阴湿寒冷.万木萧疏.德国前总理勃兰特在华沙犹太隔离区起义纪念碑(The Memorial to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising)前献花后.突然下跪为在纳粹德国侵略期间被杀害的死难者默哀.“华沙之跪”的瞬间被永远定格于历史的影像中。44年后.就在起义纪念碑后方.崭新的波兰犹太人历史博物馆揭下神秘的面纱.向世人缓缓讲述漫漫历史长河中犹太人的前世今生。其实.波兰犹太人历史博物馆项目早在上个世纪90年代中期便开始筹备.经过多年的论证与商
December 7, 1970. A very unusual winter day in Warsaw, damp and cold. Wan Muxiao sparsely. After the former German Prime Minister Brandt laid flowers in front of The Memorial to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising monument, suddenly In order to silence the victims who were killed during the Nazi Germany invasion, the moment of “Warsaw of Warsaw” is permanently fixed in the historical image. 44 years later, just behind the Monument to the Uprising, the new Polish Museum of Jewish History unveiled a mysterious veil. Slowly telling the world about the past and present of the Jews in the long history. In fact, the Polish Museum of Jewish History began preparations as early as the mid-1990s. After many years of demonstration and consultation