在任何形式的社会合作中,信任都是不可或缺的。中国古代文明将 “诚”和 “信”作为重要的德目,乃至作为做人和进入社会以及为政和构建社会秩序的根本准则来看待。在欧洲,自罗马帝国始,“遵守承诺和信守契约”被看作是公正的基础 ( 西塞罗,第 13 页) ,成为普遍的商业乃至司法原则,并形成悠久的文化传统。现代性制度在本质上与信任相关。20 世纪下半叶,全球化的发展和现代化的深化特别是 “风险社会”的出现,使信任问题极大地凸显出来,成为全球性问题和社会矛盾
Trust is indispensable in any form of social cooperation. Ancient Chinese civilization regards “honesty ” and “letter ” as important moral items, and even as basic principles of being a human being, entering society, and governing politics and building social order. In Europe, beginning with the Roman Empire, “keeping promises and abiding by contracts” was seen as the foundation of justice (Cicero, p. 13), becoming a universal commercial and even judicial principle and forming a long cultural tradition. Modernity system is essentially related to trust. In the second half of the 20th century, the advent of globalization and the deepening of modernization, especially the emergence of “risk society,” greatly highlighted the issue of trust and became a global issue and a social contradiction