积多年策划、设计、组稿、出版、发行销售挂历的实践,深深感到怎样准确地把握挂历的艺术性和商品性,辩证地处理好挂历的雅和俗的关系,是保证挂历这一特定出版物常出常新,不断提高审美品位,牢固占领市场的关键所在。 初涉挂历,不无困惑。现实一再告诉我们,真正自己掏钱买挂历的人,大都喜爱挑选那些富有欢乐气息,色彩鲜艳,表现合家团圆,幸福长寿,吉祥如意,祈财纳福一类恭贺新禧题材的画图。与此同样受到青睐的便是那些很新潮很时髦,由靓女俊男、名车宠物、浪漫居室、现代都市风光、都市生活占据画面的挂历。对此,有人表示疑虑:难道我们美术学院出版社出版的挂历,也要这样俗气落套么?
After years of planning, designing, assembling, publishing and distributing sales calendars, we feel deeply how to accurately grasp the artistic and commercial nature of calendars and handle the relationship between elegant and vulgar calendars dialectically. This is a guarantee of the specific publication of calendars Often new, constantly improving the aesthetic taste, the key to a firm occupation of the market. Involved in the calendar, not without confusion. Reality has repeatedly told us that those who really pay for their calendars love the drawing of those happy, colorful, family reunification, happiness and longevity, good fortune, and prayers and fortune for the New Jubilee theme. Similarly favored by those who are very trendy and stylish, by the beauties, car pet, romantic living room, modern cityscape, urban life occupy the screen calendar. In this regard, some people expressed doubts: Is it that we publish calendars of the Academy of Fine Arts, but also so cheesy it?