1R—28,29、30于1975年春季引进我省,为了有效地在水稻生产上加以利用,有必要了解其温光反应特性。供试品种五个,即 IR28,24、26、29和30。每品种三个处理:1.常温,常日,4月10日播种,自然日照。2.高温、常日,6月14日播种,自然日照。3.高温、短日,6月14日播种,4叶期开始至始穗止,每天日照10小时(下午5.30至翌日上午7.30用双层黑布遮光)。试验采用盆栽,每处理重复二次,二叶一心移栽,单本植,每钵栽8苗。试验结果如表1、表2。
1R-28, 29 and 30 were introduced into the province in the spring of 1975. In order to make effective use of rice in rice production, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of temperature and light response. Test varieties five, namely IR28,24,26,29 and 30. Each treatment of three varieties: 1. Normal temperature, daily, April 10 planting, natural sunshine. 2. High temperature, regular day, June 14 planting, natural sunshine. 3. High temperature, short day, sown on June 14, 4 leaf stage begins to start spike only, sunshine 10 hours a day (5.30 pm to 7.30 am the next morning with double black cloth shading). Test pots, each treatment repeated twice, one leaf transplanting, single planting, planting 8 per pot of seedlings. The test results are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.