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   Chinese products shone at Light Fair Poland
  On 29 January, the 24th Light Fair Poland was closed in Warsaw, Poland. As the biggest of its own kind in Poland and in the Middle and East Europe, the fair attracted about 450 exhibitors, including about 200 Chinese companies. The organizer said, “In recent years, Chinese products are very popular with visitors, and I am glad that the exhibition can be a platform for both sides to meet together.”
   3rd The Belt and Toad Initiative promotion fair held in Beijing
  On 18 March, the 3rd The Belt and Toad Initiative Promotion Fair was held in Beijing. About 200 professionals from CCPIT, China Chamber of International Commerce, and outbound exhibition agents from the country attended.
  As a premiere partner of MIE and the leading organizer in the regional market, IFP introduced its brand projects in each specific market in the Middle East region, and suggest that Chinese companies choose destination markets suited for themselves. MIE also introduced its selforganized Chinese exhibitions and invited cooperation from the audience.
   Exhibition space fully booked
  A wealth of information for animal protein producers were available at VIV MEAExhibition,space fully booked 2016 in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The show took place from February 15 to 17, 2016 and was dedicated to serving animal protein suppliers from the Middle East and Africa to Turkey, Iran and the countries of the Indian subcontinent. Exhibition space was fully booked in just eight months, with the leading global suppliers to the animal protein sectors showing their support. In total, there were about 270 exhibitors with stands in three halls of the Abu Dhabi national exhibition centre (ADNEC). A total of approximately 4,000 visitors attended.
展会项目经理需要具备以下三种能力:  团队领导能力  会展项目经理首先必须是一个合格的团队领导者,他所肩负的责任就是领导他的团队准时、优质地完成全部工作,在不超出预算的情况下实现项目目标。这就需要会展项目经理具备良好的信誉,使项目团队成员觉得他是一个有诚信、有效率、有能力项目经理;他必须具有灵活的人际关系,善于在各团队成员之间和公司各支持部门之间进行协调;有广泛的经营常识(不要精通,但要全面),知
CES, the world’s largest annual consumer technology trade show, was officially opened on 5 January, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, the U.S., featuring 3,600 exhibitors showing off
导读:当前,全球经济复苏仍然缓慢,全球会展市场的发展也呈现出复杂的局面。国际市场需求的不确定,国内经济下行压力增大,国家对“走出去”颁布一系列导向政策……对此,组展代理机构如何理智甄选展会,更好地发展自身业务,服务出口企业?新年伊始,请听出展行业的资深企业和新企业有哪些展望。  On 6 January, Overseas Exhibitions seminar was held in Beiji
Please introduce the history of UFI office in Hong Kong and How is the changes of UFI memberships in Asia in terms of numbers and category structure in last few years.  Mark: UFI Hong Kong office was
Opened by former president, Nelson Mandela in 1997, the Durban ICC was South Africa’s first International Convention Centre and has played a pioneering role in attracting international events to our s
3月29-31日,由奥伟展览联盟举办的越南矿业展览会在河内国际展览中心举行。作为双年展,越南矿业展览会上一届展会于2014年举行,共有来自30多个国家和地区的169家企业参展。该展会的展示内容包括矿业挖掘与建筑技术、设备与服务解决方案等,被业界认为是中印半岛最有影响力的矿业类展会。  第三届中国-俄罗斯博览会拟在俄举办  2月15日,黑龙江会展事务局对外公布,第三届中俄博览会拟于今年7月11-15
最近公布的2016年年初出口数字显示,中国企业出口贸易体量继续下滑,全球经济复苏的脚步依然缓慢。笔者在跟国外主办方、国内出展企业的交流中也了解到,外需不振,出展企业的参展热情有所下降,行业内似乎并无喜人的消息。然而,经济不景气,出口乏力,并不意味着出展行业的发展必定要陷入低谷。相反,这给了出展企业更多机会来紧跟企业需求,广泛挖掘全球各地的优质展览会,服务企业出口。  我们看到,市场环境的萧条促使展
德班会议中心于1997年由南非前总统曼德拉揭幕,是南非第一座国际化的会议中心,并在吸引国际会议方面起到先锋作用。会议中心以其高标准的服务质量承办了数个高端国际会议。包括:第123届国际奥委会会议、第5届金砖国家峰会、联合国COP17气候变化大会等。  会议中心还获得高度的行业认可,在15年里超过14次被世界旅游大奖评委会评为非洲优秀会议中心,并被国际会议中心协会(AIPC)评为全球十五佳会议中心。
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) understands connections are what make an event memorable. It’s about having the right spaces for people to connect. Leading technology to drive creati