[彭周小朋友,六岁,武昌县纸坊一小一年级学生。这里发表的是今年“六·一”前夕他在湖北省少年儿童科技群星大会上的发言。他的小发明作品——“方便的关伞器”获86年武汉市科学小发明一等奖。·编者·]下雨天,打雨伞上学,到了学校里,收起伞来,真是一件烦人的事。用手指压伞上的弹片,好痛好痛的! “啪”的一下,伞收拢了,指头又被伞把上的套子夹了,比压弹片还要疼啦!真得好好想个办法。
[Peng weeks young friend, six years old, Wuchang County Paper Square a freshman. Here is what he said on the eve of “June 1” this year at the Children and Science Stars Conference in Hubei Province. His little invention works - “convenient Guan Umbrella” won the 1986 Wuhan City Science inventions first prize. · Editor ·] It was an annoying thing to go to school with umbrellas on rainy days, to get to school, to put up umbrellas. With the fingers of the umbrella on the shrapnel, hurts hurts! “Snap” look, the umbrella Shoulong, finger and umbrella on the sleeve of the clip, but also hurt than the pressure shrapnel it! Really think of a way.