2002年8月1日,北京市受副热 带高压边缘对流云团影响,密云和怀 柔山区交界云蒙山地区110km2范围 内突降特大暴雨,短短5h降雨量高 达280.2mm,超百年一遇(查阅北京 市水文手册第一分册暴雨图集,百年 一遇最大6h雨量为260mm)。加之 该区地形地质特点,发生了特大山洪。 为了掌握本次暴雨特点及山洪发 生原因,总结水土保持小流域综合治 理经验,市水土保持工作总站、密云县 与怀柔区水土保持工作站等有关技术 人员组成联合调查组,8月5~9日对“8.1” 降雨地区进行调查。本次暴 雨主要集中在密云石城镇、怀柔怀北
On August 1, 2002, Beijing city was affected by the convective cloud mass on the edge of the subtropical high. The sudden heavy rainfall dropped suddenly within 110km2 in the area of Yunmengshan at the junction of Miyun and Huairou. The rainfall in a short period of 5h was 280.2mm, Beijing Hydrology Handbook Volume I Rainstorm Atlas, a case of maximum annual rainfall of 6mm 260mm). Coupled with the terrain and geological characteristics of the area, there have been huge floods. In order to grasp the characteristics of this rainstorm and the reasons for flash floods, summarize the experience of comprehensive management of soil and water conservation small watershed, the city water and soil conservation work terminus, Miyun County and Huairou District soil and water conservation workstations and other related technical staff to form a joint investigation team, August 5 to 9 “8.1” rainfall areas to investigate. The heavy rain mainly concentrated in the town of Mieyun, Huairou Huai North