
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaochunyang2000
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目的客观分析我院心血管内科住院用药在基层基本药物目录实施前后变化情况及趋势,以期为国家基本药物目录的更新提供建议与参考。方法调查统计我院在2008~2010年各年度心血管内科住院用药数据,主要应用金额排序法对临床消耗金额最多的前20位药品进行统计分析,并使用PASW Statistics 18.0(SPSS 18.0)软件对其消耗金额、消耗数量的变化情况进行分析。结果我院对基本药物目录政策的推广给予了足够的重视,放弃盲目追求新、贵的进口药品,深入贯彻基本药物目录政策制定的原则,使医院的心血管内科住院用药的结构得到了及时的优化和调整。结论基本药物目录在临床上得到了广泛应用,但是临床上一些疗效好、不良反应少、广泛使用的药物尚未纳入国家基本药物目录,建议相关政府部门加快进行对基本药物目录的更新与增补,以满足我国三甲医院的临床需求,或者考虑制定符合三甲医院实际情况的医院基本药物目录。 Objective To objectively analyze the changes and trends of inpatient medication of cardiovascular medicine in our hospital before and after the implementation of the catalog of essential medicines at the grass-roots level in order to provide suggestions and references for the updating of the catalog of national essential medicines. Methods The data of inpatient drug use in our hospital from 2008 to 2010 were collected and analyzed. The top 20 drugs with the highest clinical consumption amount were statistically analyzed by the method of rank sum. The data of PASW Statistics 18.0 (SPSS 18.0) The amount of consumption, consumption changes in the number of analysis. Results Our hospital paid enough attention to the popularization of the essential medicines directory policy, abandoned the blind pursuit of new and expensive imported medicines, thoroughly implemented the principle of basic medicines list policy formulation, and made the hospital’s structure of inpatient cardiovascular medicine timely received Optimization and adjustment. Conclusions The catalog of essential medicines has been widely used clinically. However, some clinically effective and less adverse effects, and the widely used drugs have not yet been included in the national essential medicines list, the relevant government departments are suggested to speed up the updating and supplementing of the catalog of essential medicines. To meet the clinical needs of China’s top three hospitals, or consider the formulation of a hospital in accordance with the actual situation of the top three hospitals in the basic drug list.
目的 了解儿童视力现状及其相关影响因素,为近视眼防治提供参考.方法 整群抽样,对南京市某地区一年级学生(7.92±0.68岁)隔年追踪检查,分别测量裸眼远视力、眼轴长度、角膜屈
目的探讨甲氨蝶呤联合米非司酮治疗早期异位妊娠的疗效及安全性。方法选取早期异位妊娠患者97例,按照随机数字表法分为观察组49例,对照组48例。对照组:甲氨蝶呤50 mg静脉推注
目的 观察麝香保心丸治疗冠心病心绞痛的疗效.方法 将冠心病心绞痛患者80例,随机分为麝香保心丸组(40例)和消心痛组(40例),治疗组口服麝香保心丸,6丸/d;对照组口服消心痛片,3
目的 探讨性激素在大鼠肝癌发生中的作用.方法 将大鼠80只随机分成四组:第一组为对照组,饮常水,正常喂食;其余3组饮含二乙基亚硝胺(DENA)水,自由饮用,液体隔日更换,14周后停
目的 评估血液灌流联合血液透析治疗急性百草枯中毒的临床疗效并进行系统研究.方法 将本院自2008年1月至2012年12月确诊为急性百草枯中毒40例患者随机分为两组,其中观察组23