
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:missingmm
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采用研制的真三轴仪对水泥土进行等小主应力3σ、等中主应力参数b真三轴试验,研究中主应力参数、小主应力对水泥土应力-应变特性的影响。试验结果表明,相同σ3条件下,水泥土应力-应变曲线的初始切线模量、破坏强度均随b的增大而增加,破坏时的大主应变则随b值的增大而减小;水泥土破坏强度与中主应力参数b近似呈线性关系,直线斜率随σ3的增加而增大。对于相同b值,水泥土的应力-应变曲线初始切线模量、破坏强度、破坏时的大主应变均随σ3的增加而增大;水泥土破坏强度与σ3近似呈线性关系,且随b值的增大,线性关系更加明显。随着中主应力和σ3的增大,水泥土应力-应变曲线逐渐由软化型向硬化型过渡。破坏应力比则随σ3的增加和b值的增加而逐渐降低。获得了水泥土的广义Tresca准则和广义Mises准则模型参数,对比分析表明广义Tresca准则更适用于水泥土。 The true triaxial apparatus was used to simulate the small principal stress 3σ and other true principal stress parameters b true triaxial tests. The influence of principal stress parameters and small principal stress on the stress-strain characteristics of cemented soil was studied. The results show that under the same condition of σ3, the initial tangent modulus and failure strength of the soil-cement stress-strain curve increase with the increase of b, while the principal strain decreases with the increase of b value. The cement The soil failure strength is approximately linear with the middle principal stress parameter b, and the slope of the straight line increases with the increase of σ3. For the same value of b, the initial tangent modulus, failure strength and main strain at stress-strain curve of cement soil all increase with the increase of σ3. The failure strength of cement soil is approximately linear with σ3, Increase, the linear relationship is more obvious. With the increase of middle principal stress and σ3, the stress-strain curves of cement soil gradually transition from softening to hardening. The failure stress ratio decreases with the increase of σ3 and the increase of b value. The generalized Tresca criterion and generalized Mises criterion model parameters of cement soil are obtained. The comparative analysis shows that the generalized Tresca criterion is more suitable for cement soil.
摘要:本文针对城市文化广场丰富的文化内涵,提出了城市文化广场环境设计的多种处理手法。  关键词:城市;文化广场;建筑设计  Abstract: this article in view of the city culture square and rich cultural connotation, and raised the urban culture square to the enviro
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摘要:地铁车站内环控系统为乘客提供舒适的乘车环境,为工作人员提供良好的工作环境,为设备提供良好运行环境。如何在高效和节能环保的前提下选取车站环控系统送风管材料也成为一个重要课题。本文就国内现行的规范,结合深圳地铁2号线的实际情况对车站环控系统的酚醛风管材料进行分析和探讨。  关键词:地铁环控系统酚醛风管探讨  Abstract: Metro station environment control