我国有些县名,颠倒了仍是县名,不过却是另外的县了,且大多不在同一省(区)内。这类地名在写稿、誊抄、审稿、校对中,如稍有疏忽而被弄颠倒了,那就会“差之毫厘,谬以千里”了。现摘录如下,以示注意。海宁县(浙)——宁海县(浙) 安吉县(浙)——吉安县(赣) 海兴县(冀)——兴海县(青)安福县(赣)——福安县(闽) 海龙县(吉)——龙海县(闽) 安宁县(滇)——宁安县(黑) 晋宁县(滇)
Some county names in our country turn over the county names, but they are other counties, most of which are not in the same province (district). Such place names in writing, 誊 copy, reviewers, proofreading, such as a slight negligence and was turned upside down, it would be “the slightest difference, absurdly miles.” Excerpts are as follows to show that attention. Haining County (Zhejiang) - Ninghai County (Zhejiang) Anji County (Zhejiang) - Ji’an County (Jiangxi) Haixing County (Ji) - Xinghai County (Green) Anfu County (Jiangxi) - Fu’an County Hailong County (Ji) - Longhai County (Fujian) Anning County (Dian) - Ning’an County (Black) Jinning County (Dian)