国庆前夕,我们采访了我国著名的肝癌研究专家、上海医科大学校长汤钊猷教授。时值下午4点30分,刚做完手术的汤校长在他那间俭朴的办公室接待了我们。我们首先请汤校长介绍一下我国肝癌研究的水平、现状。这位肝癌专家一谈起自己的本行,如数家珍:“我国的肝癌研究大致经历三个阶段:50年代为临床研究阶段;60年代基础研究起步;70年代至今为基础、临床与现场研究(field study)相结合,做出了中国自己的特色。我国的肝癌研究从总体上讲有自己的特色,不是照搬国外的一套,而是根据自己国家的情况,一级、二级与三级预防三管齐下,尤其力争做到早期发
On the eve of the National Day, we interviewed Professor Tang Zhao-tang, a famous liver cancer research expert in China, and Shanghai Medical University. At 4.30 p.m., the just-finished Soup Principal hosted us in his frugal office. We first invite the president of soup to introduce the level and current situation of our country’s liver cancer research. The liver cancer expert talked about his own bank, as the number of hometown: "Our country’s liver cancer research has gone through three stages: the 50’s for the clinical research phase; the basic research started in the 60’s; from the 70s to the present, based on clinical and field research (field study, combined with China’s own characteristics made.Human cancer research in our country as a whole has its own characteristics, not copy a set of foreign countries, but according to their own country, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention Three-pronged approach, in particular, and strive to achieve early hair