微小隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium parvum)是引起人类尤其是2岁以下婴幼儿腹泻的重要病原体。由于该病原体具有“微创”的特性,上皮细胞作为固有免疫的第一道屏障,在抵抗微小隐孢子虫感染中发挥着重要的作用。本文从上皮细胞分泌的效应分子、模式识别受体的激活、miRNA的调节、外泌体的释放以及补体系统等几个方面进行综述,以阐明固有免疫在抵抗微小隐孢子虫感染中的作用机制。
Cryptosporidium parvum is an important causative agent of diarrhea in humans, especially infants under 2 years of age. Due to the “minimally invasive” nature of this pathogen, epithelial cells play an important role in the fight against C. parvum infection as the first barrier to innate immunity. This review summarizes the effects of innate immunity on Cryptosporidium parvum infection by effector molecules secreted by epithelial cells, activation of pattern recognition receptors, regulation of miRNAs, release of exosomes, and complement systems .