还没有进门就听见董文华咯咯的笑声。还是蓬松飒爽的一头短发,桔色高领衫珠片点点,不掩明星气质,黑毛绒大衣像华贵的镜框一样衬托出董文华姣洁如月的脸庞。岁月好像和董文华无关,年轻新鲜得像一滴水。来前担心董文华面对采访有顾忌,可眼前的董文华活泼快乐,为了避免拘谨热诚地和记者坐在一起,临出门以示谢意的拥抱包含着暖暖的信任。 “送走一个长长的夜,又迎来太阳升”--《萤火虫》歌词
Dong Wenhua giggle laughter has not yet heard the door. Or a fluffy short hair, orange turtleneck beads a little bit, do not cover the star temperament, black plush coat, like luxurious frame set off as the face of Jiao Jie Jiao Jie. Years do not seem to be related to Dong Wenhua, young and fresh like a drop of water. Before coming to worry about Dong Wenhua interview scruples, can be lively and happy Dong Wenhua, in order to avoid cautious enthusiasm and journalists sitting together, to go out to thank the embrace embraces warm trust. “Sent away for a long night, but also usher in the sun rise” - “Firefly” lyrics