回顾了人类在空中所开展的教学科普实验,提出了使用计算机仿真技术,在Working Model软件平台上对太空实验进行模拟的方法,从而便于课堂教学和学生的实际动手操作。并设计了三种具有代表性的仿真太空实验案例(单摆、航天器变轨、月球跳高),实验过程对常用的物理思想方法进行了渗透,从而有利于培养学生的科学素养和创新探究能力。
This paper reviews the human science experiments carried out in the air and proposes a method of using computer simulation technology to simulate space experiments on the Working Model software platform so as to facilitate classroom teaching and students’ practical hands-on operation. And three representative simulation space experiment cases (pendulum, spacecraft orbit, lunar high jump) were designed. The experiment process infiltrated the commonly used methods of physics and thought, which is conducive to cultivating students’ scientific literacy and creative exploration ability .