五五十年代末,著名艺术史家麦耶·斯卡皮诺(Meyer Schapiro)在对一群抽象表现主义运动代表人物做的演讲给乔治·西格尔(GeorgeSegal)留下了深刻印象。他所作的关于古代大师作品肖像学方面晦涩难懂的讲演深深的吸引着他们。对西格尔来说,这次演讲使他感悟到的东西远远超出斯卡皮诺的命题,并且转化成一种方法论的启示。斯卡皮诺同时从五个层次论述文艺复兴时期的古典作品:心理穿透力、纯形式、历
In the late 1950s and 1950s, the famous art historian Meyer Schapiro was impressed by George Segal’s speech to a group of abstract representationalists. His obscure speeches on portraits of the ancient masters fascinated him. To Siegel, what he perceived in his speech went far beyond the idea of Scapino and transformed it into a methodological revelation. Skapino at the same time from five levels of discourse on the Renaissance classical works: psychological penetration, pure form, calendar