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本文从理论和实践两方面探讨和分析“世界革命”的问题。“世界革命”的理论是指20世纪初期和十月革命胜利前后由列宁为首的俄国布尔什维克党提出的关于推动和实施世界范围内无产阶级社会主义革命的学说,它是以列宁的帝国主义论为基础的。从理论上看,列宁的帝国主义论对垄断资本主义矛盾的分析是深刻的,但对它的发展趋势的论述则存在着一定的历史局限性。以此为基础的“世界革命”的理论具有较多的主观因素和空想成分,它对资本主义的发展潜力、在动荡和危机中的自我调节能力和适应能力,没有足够的估计和重视。“世界革命”的战略是指十月革命前后苏俄在“世界革命”理论基础上制定的在世界范围内推动和实施无产阶级社会主义革命的计划和设想。在十月革命胜利初期、在1920年的苏波战争中、在1923年德国动荡的形势下、在1929年资本主义经济危机和第二次世界大战爆发后,苏联都曾实施或者打算实施“世界革命”的战略。由于这一战略具有主观盲动性和冒险性,缺乏赖以实现的主客观条件,实践的结果基本上是失败的 This article explores and analyzes the issue of “world revolution” from two aspects of theory and practice. The theory of “world revolution” refers to the theory put forward by the Russian Bolshevik Party headed by Lenin around the victory of the 20th and early October Revolutions to promote and implement the proletarian socialist revolution in the world. It is based on Lenin’s theory of imperialism as Basic. Theoretically, Lenin’s analysis of the contradictions of monopoly capitalism by Lenin’s imperialism is profound, but there are some historical limitations in the discussion of its development trend. The theory of “world revolution” based on this theory has more subjective factors and imaginary elements. It lacks sufficient estimation and emphasis on the development potential of capitalism, its self-regulation and adaptability in turmoil and crisis. The strategy of “world revolution” refers to the plan and plan for promoting and implementing the proletarian socialist revolution on a world-wide basis established by the Soviet Union and Russia around the October Revolution on the basis of the theory of “world revolution.” In the early days of the October Revolution, in the 1920 Soviet-Soviet War, in the turmoil of 1923 in Germany and after the capitalist economic crisis in 1929 and the outbreak of the Second World War, the Soviet Union had implemented or planned to implement the “World Revolution ”Strategy. Because of this strategy has the subjective blindness and risk-taking, lack of subjective and objective conditions to achieve, the result of practice is basically failure
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