自从年初T.I德州仪器正式推出亲民版本的UHD 4K DLP解决方案之后,我们就预计今年下半年将会进入到激烈的4K中高端家庭影院投影机市场争夺战之中,想不到进入九月后,不同品牌之间的竞争更加激烈。首先是明基在苏州正式宣告今年年底到明年初推出两款基于0.66英寸UHD 4K单片式DLP技术解决方案的中高端家庭影院投影机W11000与X12000,后者更融合了飞利浦崭新的HLD高密封LED光源技术,让画面不仅分辨率更高,
Since the beginning of the year TI TI officially launched the first version of the UHD 4K DLP solution, we expect the second half of this year will enter the fierce battle of the 4K mid-to high-end home theater projector market, can not think into the September, different brands The competition is more intense. First, BenQ officially announced in mid-to-early next year in Suzhou that two new high-end home theater projectors, the W11000 and X12000, are based on the 0.66-inch UHD 4K monolithic DLP technology solution. The latter incorporates Philips’ new HLD high-seal LED Light technology, the screen not only higher resolution,