这是跨越历史的航迹,这是谱写友谊的征程。在中韩建交10周年之际,海军副参谋长周伯荣少将率领由“嘉兴”号、“连云港”号导弹护卫舰组成的舰艇编队,5月6日至13日,首次访问了隔海相望的韩国,谱写了中韩两国海军交往史上的新篇章。 中国海军舰艇首次访问韩国,驾驭我国自己设计建造的新型战舰,通过1010海里的航程、历时8天的访问,以整洁的舰容、严整的军姿、严明的纪律和周到的礼仪,展示了中国军人的良好形象。他们以实际行动再次告诉天下,中国人民是爱好世界和平、维护世界和平的正义力量。
This is a track crossing history. It is a journey to write a friendship. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, Major General Zhou Bo Rong, the deputy chief of staff of the Navy, led the formation of a naval formation consisting of “Jiaxing” and “Lianyungang” guided missile frigates. From May 6 to 13, the first visit to South Korea , Wrote a new chapter in the history of naval exchanges between China and South Korea. Chinese naval vessels visited South Korea for the first time and managed a new type of warship designed and built by China itself. With a range of 1,010 nautical miles and an eight-day visit, the Chinese naval vessels demonstrated cleanliness, strict military posture, strict discipline and thoughtful etiquette A good image of soldiers. They told the world again with concrete actions that the Chinese people are the just forces who love peace in the world and the world peace.