摘要对2009~2013年陇东地区马铃薯晚疫病发生流行原因进行了分析,并提出了防控措施。结果表明,气候适宜是该病发生流行的决定因素;品种抗病性差、菌源量充足、栽培管理不规范、防控措施不到位是发生流行的主要原因。提出了选用抗病品种、 减少菌源、加强栽培管理、药剂防治、开展监测和统防统治等综合防控措施。
The Epidemic Reason Investigation and Prevention and Control Measures of Potato Late Blight in Longdong
SHI Huiqin, SHI Zhifeng(Jingchuan Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Jingchuan, Gansu 744300)
AbstractThe epidemic reasons of potato late blight in Longdong area were analyzed from 2009 to 2013, the prevention and control measures were put forward. It’s clear that climate optimum is the determinant factor of epidemic, and that major epidemic reasons are poor disease resistance of varieties, abundant pathogen, unnormative cultivation management and inadequate prevention and control measures. Thus, comprehensive prevention and control measures are proposed, including selecting diseaseresistant varieties, reducing fungus resource, strengthening cultivation management, developing chemical control, conducting surveillance, promoting the professional pest control system and so on.
Key wordsLongdong; Potato late blight; Epidemic reason; Prevention and control measure
3.5积极开展监测和统防统治市、县各级行政和植保部门要设立马铃薯晚疫病数字化监测预警系统,建立健全县、乡、村三级监测和防治体系,及时掌握晚疫病发生动态。当田间发现中心病株时,应在3 d内组织机防队开展统防统治和群防群治。抓住重点区域和防治关键期,实施“统一部署、统一时间、统一技术、统一药械”的专业化统防统治。
[1] 陈娟娟.庄浪县马铃薯晚疫病综合防控策略[J].内蒙古农业科技,2011(4):63,87.
[2] 关红颖.黑龙江省马铃薯晚疫病的发生与防治[J].中国马铃薯,2011,25(3):173-174.
[3]宋伯符.马铃薯晚疫病的综合防治[J].河北农业大学学报,2001,24(2):49-50,58.安徽农业科学,Journal of Anhui Agri. Sci.2014,42(21):7078-7079
The Epidemic Reason Investigation and Prevention and Control Measures of Potato Late Blight in Longdong
SHI Huiqin, SHI Zhifeng(Jingchuan Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Jingchuan, Gansu 744300)
AbstractThe epidemic reasons of potato late blight in Longdong area were analyzed from 2009 to 2013, the prevention and control measures were put forward. It’s clear that climate optimum is the determinant factor of epidemic, and that major epidemic reasons are poor disease resistance of varieties, abundant pathogen, unnormative cultivation management and inadequate prevention and control measures. Thus, comprehensive prevention and control measures are proposed, including selecting diseaseresistant varieties, reducing fungus resource, strengthening cultivation management, developing chemical control, conducting surveillance, promoting the professional pest control system and so on.
Key wordsLongdong; Potato late blight; Epidemic reason; Prevention and control measure
3.5积极开展监测和统防统治市、县各级行政和植保部门要设立马铃薯晚疫病数字化监测预警系统,建立健全县、乡、村三级监测和防治体系,及时掌握晚疫病发生动态。当田间发现中心病株时,应在3 d内组织机防队开展统防统治和群防群治。抓住重点区域和防治关键期,实施“统一部署、统一时间、统一技术、统一药械”的专业化统防统治。
[1] 陈娟娟.庄浪县马铃薯晚疫病综合防控策略[J].内蒙古农业科技,2011(4):63,87.
[2] 关红颖.黑龙江省马铃薯晚疫病的发生与防治[J].中国马铃薯,2011,25(3):173-174.
[3]宋伯符.马铃薯晚疫病的综合防治[J].河北农业大学学报,2001,24(2):49-50,58.安徽农业科学,Journal of Anhui Agri. Sci.2014,42(21):7078-7079