Based on the U.S. product samples of 97 anti-dumping cases involving the United States and the introduction of an expanded sample of 395 non-involved 10-point major trade products, the study shows that: (1) The anti-dumping of Chinese products was mainly concentrated on the products involved in the Chinese exports to the United States that had a comparatively strong comparative advantage. Despite the anti-dumping efforts by the United States, China still maintained a strong dominant comparative advantage in the export of 35 products to the United States. However, there are 27 cases involving the product has lost a strong dominant advantage. (2) After the sample is extended, the impact of each influencing factor on the anti-dumping probability of Chinese products in the United States is reduced, which avoids the biasedness of sample selection. In contrast, the U.S. trade deficit with Chinese products is the most important determinant of ITC’s industry damage and the issuance of anti-dumping orders. It is a direct inducement by the United States on anti-dumping of Chinese products. However, the dominant comparative advantage is only one of the factors that affect the Chinese product’s anti-dumping curse. The rate of growth of industrial production in the United States is declining, the unemployment rate is the other influencing factor, and the subprime mortgage crisis is also an important factor.