Modeling postpartum depression in rats: theoretic and methodological issues

来源 :Zoological Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liur8888
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The postpartum period is when a host of changes occur at molecular, cellular, physiological and behavioral levels to prepare female humans for the challenge of maternity. Alteration or prevention of these normal adaptions is thought to contribute to disruptions of emotion regulation, motivation and cognitive abilities that underlie postpartum mental disorders, such as postpartum depression. Despite the high incidence of this disorder, and the detrimental consequences for both mother and child, its etiology and related neurobiological mechanisms remain poorly understood, partially due to the lack of appropriate animal models. In recent decades, there have been a number of attempts to model postpartum depression disorder in rats. In the present review, we first describe clinical symptoms of postpartum depression and discuss known risk factors, including both genetic and environmental factors. Thereafter, we discuss various rat models that have been developed to capture various aspects of this disorder and knowledge gained from such attempts. In doing so, we focus on the theories behind each attempt and the methods used to achieve their goals. Finally, we point out several understudied areas in this field and make suggestions for future directions. The postpartum period is when a host of changes occur at molecular, cellular, physiological and behavioral levels to prepare female humans for the challenge of maternity. Alteration or prevention of these normal adaptions is thought to contribute to disruptions of emotion regulation, motivation and cognitive abilities that thelielie postpartum mental disorders, such as postpartum mental disorders, such as postpartum depression, and the detrimental consequences for both mother and child, its etiology and related neurobiological mechanisms remain poorly understood, partially due to the lack of appropriate animal models. In recently decades, there have been a number of attempts to model postpartum depression disorder in rats. In the present review, we first describe clinical symptoms of postpartum depression and discuss known risk factors, including both genetic and environmental factors. models that have been developed to capture various aspects of this disorder and knowledge gained from such attempts. Finally, we focus on the theories behind each attempt and the methods used to achieve their goals.
摘 要: 家庭课程资源是课程资源的一部分。本文作者从激发学生的学习兴趣、培养学生的学习能力和养成良好的情感价值观三个方面对家庭课程资源在生物教学中的作用进行了分析。  关键词: 生物教学 家庭课程资源 作用    传统教学对课程资源的理解往往局限于教师、教具、课堂、实验室这些校内环境。这种狭隘的资源论,会对学生的探索欲、求知欲造成障碍,对学生的动手能力、实践能力有所限制,不利于学生形成良好的生物科
研究了尼日利亚三处黑猩猩群落的生境结构,并利用点中心四分样方法评估了植被. 共记录了38科150种植物,其中位于尼日利亚东北部的Gashaka Gumti国立公园Kwano栖息地(A区)有28
长期以来,在政府和社会各界的共同努力下,各高校针对大学生的国防教育不断深入发展,开展了多种形式的国防教育活动,对大学生坚定理想信念,强化国防观念,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,培养爱国主义精神,学习掌握现代军事知识,磨练意志、增强体质,提高组织纪律性和战胜困难的信心与能力,具有其它思想政治教育活動不可替代的特殊作用。    一、国防教育是一项战略意义的教育事业,在大学生思想政治教育中发挥着导向