专业英语 评估报告(三)

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  The terms, Valuation Certificate and Valuation Report, are sometimes used interchangeably. As used in some States (for example, the UK), the term Valuation Certificate designates a document in which the Valuer certifies the amount of the valuation of the property. The Valuation Certificate is usually a short letter, though it may also take the form of a detailed report. It includes the valuation date; purpose of the assignment; date of the certificate; assumptions upon which the valuation is based; and the name, address and qualification of the Valuer. Certification of Value as used in other States (for example, the US) is a statement in which the Valuer affirms that the facts presented are correct, the analyses are limited only by the reported assumptions, the Valuer’s fee is not contingent upon any aspect of the report, and the Valuer has performed the valuation in compliance with ethical and professional standards.
  According to International Valuation Standards, each Valuation Report shall clearly and accurately set forth the conclusions of the valuation in a manner that is not misleading. Valuer should,identify the client, the intended use of the valuation, and relevant dates, the date as of which the value estimate applies, the date of the report, and the date of the inspection; specify the basis of the valuation, including type and definition of value. Market Value and Non-Market Value shall be separately reported when any property component(s) in the valuation are valued on a basis other than Market Value.
  Valuer should identify and describe the property rights or interests to be valued, physical and legal characteristics of the property, describe the scope/extent of the work used to develop the valuation; specify all assumptions and limiting conditions upon which the value conclusion is contingent; identify special, unusual, or extraordinary assumptions and address the probability that such conditions will occur.Valuer should also include a description of the information and data examined, the market analysis performed, the valuation approaches and procedures followed, and the reasoning that supports the analyses, opinions, and conclusions in the report.
  To protect the valuer’s interests, valuer should contain a clause in the report specifically prohibiting the publication of the report in whole or in part, or any reference thereto, or to the valuation figures contained therein, or to the names and professional affiliation of the Valuers, without the written approval of the Valuer.
  Valuation Certificate
  在英美两国的含义不同。英国的 Valuation Certificate是指一种扼要的评估报告,简明地提供评估结论及相关信息。而美国的Valuation Certificate(有时也称Certificate of value)是指评估师在评估报告结尾部分进行的声明,表明评估师的独立性。
我们机关,包括企事业单位,和文字打交道的工作人员不少,至于编辑和记者每天的工作,几乎都是和文字语言分不开,报刊工作人员是地地道道的文字工作者。所有这些和文字有关联的人,要想写好文章,绝不是一朝一夕能完成的事。主要靠日积月累,还要多学、多思,多总结,其他也没有什么诀窍和捷径。写文章、搞文字是个辛苦活,也要能吃苦耐劳,要有这么一种精神,才可以、才可能把我们的工作做好。  正确使用标点  文章写作中,大
据中国保监会发布的《2008年上半年保险中介市场发展报告》,截止今年上半年,全国保险公估机构为267家,实现业务收入 4.67 亿元,同比增长72.14%。其中,财产险公估服务费收入 4.50 亿元,人身险公估服务费收入 29.28万元,其他收入 1623.08万元。按照评估的险种划分:机动车辆险 2.54亿元,占 56.40%;企业财产险 1.14亿元,占 31.26%;货运、船舶险 0.50
第一章 总则    第一条为不断提高注册资产评估师的专业胜任能力和职业道德水平,培养造就高素质的行业人才队伍,根据《中国资产评估协会章程》及相关规定,制定本制度。  第二条注册资产评估师有义务接受并按照本制度的要求完成继续教育。  第三条本制度适用于执业的注册资产评估师。    第二章 继续教育的组织管理    第四条注册资产评估师继续教育实行统一管理,分级负责。  第五条 中国资产评估协会(以下
由中国资产评估协会主办的《中国资产评估》,是我国评估行业惟一正式出版、公开发行的会刊,担负着中国资产评估行业政策指导、行业建设发展、机构内部管理、专业技术交流、理论研究、国际交流、树立行业形象等多项重要任务,是资产评估行业思想建设、文化建设、舆论导向等的重要阵地;是中国资产评估行业面向社会展示风采、树立形象、得到社会认可的重要窗口;是探讨前沿理论、研究专业知识、交流工作信息的平台。  2004年,
为全面推进国家知识产权战略,落实《财政部 国家知识产权局关于加强知识产权资产评估管理若干问题的通知》(财企[2006]109号)精神,进一步加强知识产权资产评估服务体系基础性建设,全面了解全国知识产权资产评估状况,充分发挥资产评估在企业知识产权资源优化配置中的作用,引导资产评估中介机构服务于创新型企业。2008年8月份,国家知识产权局和中评协在宁夏回族自治区首府银川市联合召开全国知识产权资产评估培
7、关于企业价值评估中所采用方法的调查  (1)是否采用了多种评估方法对同一企业进行评估  除27份问卷未选择答案之外,有效样本为887个。其中,采用过多种评估方法对同一企业进行评估的596人,占有效问卷总数的67.19%;从未采用的276人,占31.12%;认为不清楚这一问题答案的15人,占1.69%。(见图表12-1)    (2)各种方法被采用的比例  除27份问卷未选择答案之外,有效样本8