随着社会的进步和国民经济的发展, 现代计算机技术以及互联网技术的发展得到了前所未有的推进,现代网络结构正在不断完善之中。 在这样的大背景之下, 为图书馆的发展提供了非常有利的保障, 网络环境具备的社会化、 集成化以及人文化等特征促进图书馆进一步的发展, 开创更为庞大的发展平台。 本文主要分析了网络环境之下信息服务所呈现的特点与发展对策。
With the progress of the society and the development of the national economy, the development of modern computer technology and Internet technology has been promoted unprecedentedly. The modern network structure is constantly being improved. Under such a background, it provides a very favorable guarantee for the development of the library. The socialization, integration and humanities characteristics of the network environment promote the further development of the library and create a broader platform for development. This article mainly analyzes the characteristics and development countermeasures of information services under the network environment.