The Concept of Geochemical Potential Field Exemplified by Ore Formation Field

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry(English Language Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chessinge
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Geochemical potential field is defined as the scope within the earth’s space where a givencomponent in a certain phase of a certain material system is acted upon by a diffusion force,depending on its spatial coordinates X,Y,and Z. The three coordinates follow the relations: NF_ix=- NF, = -- ty’ NF. = -- tybx y 8y’ DzThe characteristics of such a field can be summarized as:(l) The summation of geochemicalpotentials related to the coordinates X,Y,Z or pseudo-velocity head, pseudo-pressure head andpseudo-potential head of a certain component in the earth is a constant as given by μ_x+μ_x+μ_x=corμ_(x2)+μ_(y2)+μ_(z2)=μ_(x1)+μ_(y1)+μ_(z1)Derived from these relations is the principle of geochemical potential conservation. Thefollowing relations have the same physical significance: μ_k+μ_k+μ_p=corμ_(k2)+μ_(u2)+μ_(P2) =μ_(k1)+μ_(u1)+μ_(p1)(2) Geochemical potential field is a vector field quantified by geochemical field intensity which isdefined as the diffusion force applied to one molecular volume (or one atomic volume) of acertain component moving from its higher concentration phase to lower concentration phase.The geochemical potential field intensity is given by E=-gradμRE=T RT RTE=_x--~RT i+_y--~RT j+_z--~RT K The present theory has been inferred to interpret the mechanism of formation of sometungsten ore deposits in China. Geochemical potential field is defined as the scope within the earth’s space where a certaincomponent in a certain phase of a certain material system is acted upon by a diffusion force, depending on its spatial coordinates X, Y, and Z. The three coordinates follow the relations : NF_ix = - NF, = - ty ’NF. = - tybx y 8y’ Dz The characteristics of such a field can be summarized as: (l) The summation of geochemical potential entials related to the coordinates X, Y, Z or pseudo- velocity head, pseudo-pressure head and pseudo-potential head of a certain component in the earth is constant as given by μ_x + μ_x + μ_x = corμ_ (x2) + μ_ (y2) + μ_ (z2) = μ_ (x1) + μ_ (y1) + μ_ (z1) Derived from these relations is the principle of geochemical potential conservation. Thefollowing relations have the same physical significance: μ_k + μ_k + μ_p = corμ_ (k2) + μ_ (u2) + μ_ μ_ (k1) + μ_ (u1) + μ_ (p1) (2) Geochemical potential field is a vector field quantified by geochemical field intensity which is defined as the diffusion force applied t o one molecular volume (or one atomic volume) of acertain component moving from its higher concentration phase to lower concentration phase. The geochemical potential field intensity is given by E = -gradμRE = T RT RTE = _x-- ~ RT i + _y- - ~ RT j + _z-- ~ RT K The present theory has been inferred to interpret the mechanism of formation of some tungsten ore deposits in China.
在吸毒者中培养线人,打入吸毒者聚会的毒窝,给那些吸毒者特别是感染艾滋病的吸毒者,免费发放清洁针具并回收污染针具……当众多“80后”女孩忙着逛街购物上网看韩剧时,她却成了艾滋病患者的“知心人”。她一直有一个梦想,就是让每一个艾滋病患者都能生活在阳光下……  一次“家访”让她坚定职业信念  2001年7月5日上午,广西灵山县疾控中心防治科来了一位新员工,她秀气、高挑,脸上略带羞涩。这位新员工名叫陈锦妹