Russel Baker(1925—),美国专栏作家(columnist),曾获普利策奖(1979)。这篇短文以诙谐的笔触讽刺了当今美国白领阶层的工作十分抽象,令孩童难以理解。写字楼里人们成为整天处理各种文件(paper)这类废品(junk)的机器。他们的工作就是以不同的方式同这些文件打交道。难以说清他们整天在做什么。本文语言既朴实又幽默。
Russel Baker (1925-), US columnist, Pulitzer Prize (1979). This short essay humorously teases the work of the white-collar workers in the United States today so absurd that children can not understand it. People in office buildings become machines that handle all kinds of junk paper all day long. Their job is to deal with these documents in different ways. It is hard to tell what they are doing all day. The language of this article is simple and humorous.