Considering the movement characteristics of the wheel and the rail and the circumferential traction force, the formula of the wheel-rail creep rate when the locomotive passes the curve under the traction state is deduced, and the characteristics of the wheel-rail lateral dynamic interaction when the curve passes are simulated and analyzed. At the same time, the influence of the traction force on the bogie steering performance was studied, and the guidance performance under locomotive traction and idling conditions was comparatively analyzed. The results of theoretical simulation show that the traction force can change the size and direction of longitudinal wheel-rail creep force. Compared with the coasting conditions, the steering moment under the traction condition decreases, and the self-steering ability of the wheelset decreases, which is not good for Curve through; improve traction, the total wheel-runout rate will reach saturation soon, the greater the traction, the greater the longitudinal wheel-rail creep, the difference between the longitudinal creep on both sides of the smaller, When the traction force increases to a certain extent, the total wheel-rail creep rate exceeds the limit state. When the curve passes, the wheel-diameter difference on both sides is too small and skidding occurs and the wheel- Idling phenomenon.