嘉鱼县鱼岳镇彩印纸箱厂原是一个只有十余人的街办手工业,至1991年发展到拥有固定资产60万元,年产值260万元,创利税18万元的百人小厂。建厂16年来,该厂能在市场激烈的竞争中做到年年无亏损,并且盈利年年上升,这给乡镇企业带来了有益的启示: 1.乡镇企业应充分利用“船小好调头”的优势,把握时机,看准行情,及时调整产品结构,才能增强企业的竞争实力。1976年,这个厂转为镇办企业后,与全县9家同行企业一样,都是生产内销产品,产品销路越来越窄。1981年起,该厂逐年扩大外销产品比例,把产品规格由10多个扩大到100多个,产品由80%的内销转为80%的外销,销售量明显上升,成为省定点生产出口包
Jiayu County Yuyue Town Color Printing Carton Factory was a street handicraft industry with only a dozen people. By 1991, it had developed into a 100-person small factory with 600,000 yuan in fixed assets, 2.6 million yuan in output value, and 180,000 yuan in profits. In the past 16 years since the establishment of the plant, the plant has been able to achieve no losses year-on-year in the fierce market competition, and its profit has been rising year after year. This has brought beneficial revelations to township enterprises: 1. Township and township enterprises should make full use The advantages, taking the opportunity, identifying the market, and adjusting the product structure in a timely manner can enhance the competitiveness of the company. In 1976, after the factory was transformed into a township-run enterprise, like the nine peer companies in the county, they all produced domestic-selling products, and their products became more and more narrow. Since 1981, the plant has expanded the proportion of export products year by year, expanding the product specifications from more than 10 to more than 100, and the products have changed from 80% of domestic sales to 80% of exports, and the sales volume has increased significantly, becoming a designated export package for the province.