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在出席七届全国人大四次会议的解放军代表团中,有一位曾经战功屡立的朝鲜族将军.他就是空军副司令员李永泰中将.李将军1928年出生在辽宁新宾县一个家境贫苦的农民家里.小学上完后就开始在一所医院做苦力.1945年东北获得解放,李永泰和千千万万翻了身的劳动人民一样,感谢共产党给他带来新的生活.他参加了东北民主联军,成为一名光荣的人民战士.1949年,我军开始组建空军,胸怀报国宏愿的李永泰立即报考.转入空军后,他来到沈阳航空学校学习,各项学习成绩优异,毕业时荣立一等功.抗美援朝战争爆发后,李永泰随部队来到前线,任飞行大队长.在朝鲜战场的日日夜夜里,最使他难忘的是李永泰第一次在空中和美国侵略者较量,战斗打得十分激烈,年轻的共和国空军战士受到了巨大考验.李永泰的飞机竟有56处受伤,但他仍以坚强的意志和 Among the People’s Liberation Army delegation who attended the Fourth Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress, there was one Korean general who had repeatedly won the war, and was Lieutenant General Li Yongtai, deputy commander of the Air Force. General Li was born in 1928 in a poor family in Xinbin County, Liaoning Of the peasants at home.After the completion of primary school, they began to work as a coolie in a hospital.The liberation of the northeast in 1945, Li Yongtai and the millions of working people who turned over, thanked the Communist Party for bringing a new life to him.He joined The Northeast Democratic Coalition, became a glorious people’s warrior .In 1949, our army began to set up the Air Force, with great ambitions Li Yongtai immediately apply .After entering the Air Force, he came to Shenyang Aeronautical School study, the academic performance is excellent, After graduation, he established the first-class service.When the war against the United States and the Aid Korea came to light, Li Yongtai came to the front with the army and served as the commander of the flying team. In the day and night of the Korean battlefield, Li Yongtai made his first memorable flight in the air and the United States Who battled fiercely, the young Republican Air Force fighter was subjected to a great test.Li Yongtai’s plane was injured 56, but he still with a strong will and
En Chine on désigne par “littérature contemporaine” l′ensemble de la création postérieure à 1949. Le terme de poésie chinoise d′aujourd′hui “se rat
一九七五年,美国雷诺烟草公司的推销员杰姆,被委派到墨西哥的一处旅游胜地,负责推销该公司新近生产的一种叫“万胜 In 1975, Jim, a salesman at RJ Reynolds Tobacco Comp
美国勘探地球物理学家学会(简称 SEG)第62届年会.于1992年10月25~29日在美国路易斯安那州新奥尔良市召开。本届年会有8000多人参加,宣读学术报告383篇。参加展览的院校、石油
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