前苏联科学家创造出一种人工土壤,称之为宇宙土壤,并在“礼炮一号”轨道科学考察站进行了种植蔬菜的研究实验。宇宙土壤是一种塑料沙,沙中可以添加植物生长所需的矿肥。宇宙土壤不会肥力衰竭,只要补充肥料就能保证连续不断地获得丰收。这种合成土壤目前正在一些贫瘠的地区运用。在这些地区,研究人员用一种米粒状的聚合物充当土壤,这种聚合物能吸收相当于自身重量700 倍的
Former Soviet scientists created a kind of artificial soil, called the cosmic soil, and conducted experiments in the cultivation of vegetables at the Salyut I Orbital Science Research Station. The cosmic soil is a plastic sand that can be used to add mineral fertilizer needed for plant growth. The soil in the universe will not be depleted in fertility, as long as supplemental fertilizers ensure a continuous harvest. This synthetic soil is currently being used in some barren areas. In these areas, researchers use soil as a rice-like polymer that absorbs 700 times its own weight