从《文选 赋》“物色”类看先唐物色赋的结构类型——《文选 赋》“物色”类研究之五

来源 :宜春学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shpeipei
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从物我关系的不同处理方式考察,《文选.赋》“物色”类所录作品与先唐其他物色赋的艺术结构类型大体有以主观意绪结构全篇和以对象的空间布局结构全篇两种。《文选.赋》“物色”类所录作品全为以主观意绪结构全篇,部分先唐物色赋以对象的空间布局来结构全篇。从艺术审美的角度言,以对象的空间布局结构全篇的物色赋,缺乏激动人心的感情力量,并不是成功的作品;而以主观意绪结构全篇的物色赋,则具有永恒的艺术生命力。《文选.赋》“物色”类所录全为以主观意绪结构全篇的作品,充分说明了萧统不一般的艺术眼光。 From the different ways of dealing with the relationship between things and things, the types of art structures recorded in “Selected Works of Poetry”, “Things Found” and other objects in the early Tang Dynasty generally have the whole structure of subjective meaning and the spatial layout of objects The whole two. All the works recorded in the anthology “FuXuan” “FuXueZhu” are all structured by the spatial layout of subjective meaning and part of the space conferred by objects. From the artistic aesthetic point of view, the spatial distribution of the object structure of the whole structure of the endowment, the lack of exciting emotional power, not a successful work; and subjective meaning of the whole structure of the endowment, it has the eternal vitality of the arts . “Anthology” Fu “” find "class recorded entirely in the subjective composition of the whole structure of the works, fully illustrates Xiao Tong’s unusual artistic vision.
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