《长江三峡》一文可学的东西很多,但最突出的是抓住景色的特点来描写的技法。这也是单元的教学任务——写景状物要抓住景物的特点。为此,我确定“写景状物要抓住景物特点”作为这课的教学目标,其他的就大胆地舍弃了。 我先由李白的《早发白帝城》导入新课,然后明确了长江三峡是哪三峡:瞿塘峡、巫峡、
There are many things that can be learned in the article “The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River”, but the most prominent is the technique of grasping the characteristics of scenery. This is also the teaching task of the unit - the scenes must capture the characteristics of the scene. For this reason, I determined that “writing scenes should capture the characteristics of the scenery” as the teaching goal of this lesson, and the other would be boldly abandoned. I first introduced the new class by Li Bai’s “Early Start Bai Di Cheng” and then I made clear which Three Gorges of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River: Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge,