Comparison of Palace Dress between China and Western Countries

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  【Abstract】 There exist both similarities and differences regarding palace dress between China and western countries.Historical and cultural background,aesthetic taste,value,weather and religion,etc.contributes to the various characteristics of palace dress.The comparison is made to shed light on the uniqueness of palace dress of China and western countries and provide some references for the constant improvement of Chinese apparel design and apparel aesthetic.
  【Key words】 Palace dress;China;Western countries;culture;comparison
  The palace is where ruling class of a country live.The ruling class,always,hold the strictest requirements for the style,material and color of clothing.Accordingly,the palace keeps the skilful tailors,the delicate cloth,pigment and jewelries,which makes palace dress the most glorious representation of clothing in a time.No matter in China or western countries,palace dress enjoys such features as elegance,solemn,and flamboyance.Also,hierarchy and authority can be reflected in palace dress.In addition,usually,palace dress maintains some differences from folk dress in terms of color,design and material, highlight the different identities.
  Meanwhile,the differences of palace dress between China and western countries are distinct.
  China has always enjoyed the reputation of The Kingdom of Dress since ancient times.With the integration of multiple nationalities and the development of such a long history,China’s palace dress presents unique features.China is a country with land culture.The majority of Chinese descendants lived the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River,with stable agricultural life and small followability.Thus,the cultural development proceeded in a relatively stationary environment.The evolution is actually of individual occurrence,which determined that the evolution of China’s palace was of the same kind.The center of western civilization experienced dramatic changes,crossing such three continents as Asia,Africa and Europe and finally settling in the Western Europe.Then the evolution of Palace dress in western countries was of systematic occurrence.
  As of the design dimension,Chin’s palace dress place many emphases on vertical and complanate effect while western people attach great importance to stereoscopic sensation.It originates from the idea of offsetting the relative delicate stature of oriental people and the aesthetic tradition of “suppression of body with courtesy”.Vertical design makes body seemly slender.Being reserved and implicit is a traditional value held by Chinese people,especially for those in upper class.Thus,the design of palace dress is supposed to help shield the contour of body.At the same time,the complanate design is consistent with the gentle facial contour of Chinese people.Western people pursue freedom,liberty and individuality and have the character of being outgoing and passionate.Their palace dress is designed to show beauty of the contour of bodies through stereoscopic sensation.Likely,their obvious facial contour and tall bodies makes the stereoscopic design of palace dress a necessity.   As of the color,the dominant colors of Chinese palace dress are red and yellow,while those of western countries are purple and black.In the opinion of Chinese people,red color represents celebration,enthusiasm,courage and gaudiness and yellow color represents richness,glory and grandeur.To a certain degree,these two colors can be described as the most perfect colors for Chinese people.Therefore,Chinese palace dress is always in red and yellow.In western countries,people prefer purple and black as they represent nobility.They hold that the two bright and heavy colors are a fine representation of sharp contrast with their white skin.
  As of the pattern,Chinese palace dress is decorated with animals and flowers.These patterns are always designed symmetrically.The clothing of emperor is always decorated with dragon,the totem of Chinese nation and that of empress is interspersed with phoenix.In general,the dress of the royal class in China is decorated with the patterns of some animals and flowers considered to be noble and elegant.The patterns of western palace dress are often ornamental plants,spiral-shaped grasses and rattans,and cosmic matters.It reflects the focus of western people’s thinking.They throw light upon nature and the outside world.
  Of course,the design of palace dress is influenced by various social,religious,and climate factors.In today’s pursuing of clothing fashion,we should make it clear that,only through improvement subject to the requirement of times and people’s living ways,can the apparel design and apparel aesthetic be expected to be vital and lasting.
  [1]Bassnett,Susan & Andre Lefevere.Constructing Cultures:Essays on Literary Translation[M].Clevedon Hall:Multilingual Matters Ltd.,1998.
【关键词】家装中污染物种类;来源;危害;消除  室内装修污染中,最常见的污染物为甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、TVOC、氨、氡。  甲醛主要来源于胶,家具所用的人造板大多是采用脲醛树脂胶,这种胶极不稳定,遇潮遇热就会分解释放出甲醛,所以人造板是甲醛的主要释放源,也是除甲醛治理的重点。油漆涂料以及布艺家具中,都会存在少量的甲醛;  甲醛,化学式HCHO,又称蚁醛。无色气体,有特殊的刺激气味,熔点-92℃,
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