In this paper, the electrochemical principle is used to determine the value of C_d of double-layer capacitor formed by carbide conductor in electrolyte solution to evaluate its dispersion. Through the equivalent circuit analysis of the electrode process, the solution of the DHZ-1 electrochemical tester solution compensation function, how to use the triangular wave potential pulse signal to determine the method of carbide C_d, and then based on the specific capacitance conversion factor ( 20μF / cm ~ 2) to obtain the size of the specific surface area S (m ~ 2 / g), thus completing the electrochemical evaluation of the carbide dispersion in the steel. When the control of galvanostatic corrosion of steel samples sub-short time electrolytic corrosion, measured immediately after the determination of C_d value C_d-t curve and found C_d and t is a linear relationship. The physical meaning of the turning point of C_d-t line is discussed in this paper.