欧盟委员会曾于2月10日宣布,将于今年4月1日提前实施原定今年7月实施的新普惠制安排,包括我国玩具在内的50 类产品将“出局”。而到了3月16日,由于欧盟成员国未就纺织品等问题达成一致,在布鲁塞尔召开的欧盟外长理事会上未能就欧盟委员会提交的新普惠制方案达成一致。4月6日,欧盟再次评估新普惠制改革议案。一旦欧盟开始实施新普惠制,我国玩具将不能享受其普惠制待遇。
The European Commission announced on February 10 that it will implement the new GSP scheme scheduled for implementation in July this year on April 1, ahead of 50 types of products including toys in China. By March 16, the EU member states did not agree on such issues as textiles. At the EU Council of Foreign Ministers in Brussels, they failed to reach an agreement on the new GSP scheme submitted by the European Commission. April 6, the EU once again assess the reform of the new GSP. Once the EU embarks on the implementation of the new GSP, our toys will not enjoy their GSP benefits.