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自中国石油集团公司“双十”全员读书活动开展以来,吉林石化公司合成树脂厂积极响应集团公司活动号召,通过制定活动方案、召开动员会、宣传发动、组织开展“六个一”活动,全面培养员工崇尚读书、自觉读书的良好习惯。经过一年多的学习实践活动,取得了显著的成效。一、制定“双十”全员读书活动方案,确保活动有序开展为深入组织开展好《中国石油员工基 Since CNPC’s “Double Ten” full-time study activities, Jilin Petrochemical Company Synthetic Resin Plant has been actively responding to the call of the Group Company. Through formulating the activity plan, it held a mobilization meeting to publicize the campaign and organize the “ ”Activities, fully cultivate employees advocating reading, consciously reading good habits. After more than a year of study and practice, we achieved remarkable results. First, the development of “Double Ten ” full program of activities to ensure that the activities carried out in an orderly manner To carry out a good "China Petroleum staff base
随着人们生活节奏的加快,“高血压”病也日渐高发。但在一般人的观念里,高血压是中老年人的常见病。事实上近年医学界的多项研究证实,高血压也成了儿童的常见病。据有关统计,当前我国儿童高血压的发病率在1%~3%之间,而且还在呈不断上升趋势。  有关专家指出肥胖、情绪紧张是儿童高血压的主要诱因。通常人的血压会随着体重增加而上升,体重每增加4.54千克可使收缩压增加0.6千帕(4.5毫米汞柱),肥胖者由于摄食