徐家坟墓地位于孝感市徐家坟遗址西部,1993年7月,因配合基建我们抢救清理了其中的7座,编号为M1~M7。这7座墓均为宋代砖室墓,现将情况作一简要报道。 (一)墓葬形制这7座墓均为南北向,墓坑开口距地表30~80厘米。墓葬形制有船形、长方形和带耳室的亚腰形等。现将M1、M4、M7这3座较为典型的墓葬分述如下。 M1 双室墓,主室呈亚腰形,方向190度。墓四壁均为单砖错缝平砌,在距墓底72
Located in the western part of Xujiaochang Site in Xiaogan City, Xujiaocun grave site was cleared in July 1993 for its assistance with infrastructure construction, numbered M1 ~ M7. These seven tombs are brick tombs in the Song Dynasty, and the situation is now made a brief report. (A) the shape of the tomb These seven tomb are north-south, the tomb pit from the surface of 30 to 80 cm. Tombs form a boat-shaped, rectangular and with auricular sub-waist-shaped room. Now M1, M4, M7 these three more typical tombs are described below. M1 double room tomb, the main room was sub-shaped, the direction of 190 degrees. The walls of the tomb are all single brick wrong stitching, at the end of the tomb 72