花生地膜覆盖具有提高地温,保持水分,促进养分转化,达到优质、早熟、高产目的。地膜覆盖的花生比陆地栽培的花生667m2增产40% ̄50%,应大力推广花生地膜覆盖栽培技术。第一,选择适宜当地种植的品种(白沙1016、鲁花15号、海花1号)。第二,土壤应选择土层深厚,肥力较高,排水良好的沙壤土或壤土,花生忌重茬。第三,施足基肥,适量化肥均匀混拌于优质农家肥中,于作畦前条施于垄内。作畦时畦面要平、净、匀。第四,适期播种,确保全苗,壮苗。第五,均匀喷施除草剂。第六,选膜覆膜。第七,加强覆膜花生田间管理,主要包括查苗情、促花期、控徒长,加强水分管理,防治病虫害。
Peanut mulching has the advantages of raising the ground temperature, keeping the water, promoting the nutrient transformation, and achieving the purposes of high quality, precocity and high yield. The peanut covered by plastic film produced 40% ~ 50% more yield than the 667m2 peanut cultivated on land. Peanut mulch should be vigorously popularized. First, select the varieties suitable for local planting (Baisha 1016, Luhua 15, Haihua 1). Second, the soil should choose deep soil, high fertility, well-drained sandy loam soil or loam, peanut bogey crop. Third, Shizujifei, the amount of fertilizer evenly mixed in high-quality farm fat, in front of the ridge applied to the ridge. For 畦 畦 noodles to be flat, net, uniform. Fourth, the appropriate sowing, to ensure that the whole seedlings, strong seedlings. Fifth, evenly spraying herbicides. Sixth, the selection of film. Seventh, to strengthen the management of peanut-covered peasants, including investigation of seedling vigor, flowering period, accusation of leggy, strengthening of water management and prevention of pests and diseases.