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课程体系建设是高职法律类专业教学改革的重点和难点。针对当前高职法律类专业课程建设中存在的课程设置缺乏针对性、课程内容滞后和理论与实践课程关联不强等问题,必须以社会需求和高职法律类人才就业去向为根据,构建以能力为本位的理论与实践一体化的课程模式,突出课程建设的职业定向性、实践性和开放性。而要实现这一目标,需要教师树立科学的课程意识,加强教材建设,改革教学内容,创设多元教学模式,改革实践教学。 The construction of curriculum system is the key and difficult point in the teaching reform of law major in higher vocational colleges. In view of the current lack of pertinence of the curriculums, the lack of pertinence of curriculum content and the weak correlation between the theoretical and practical courses in the construction of law major in higher vocational education, we must build on the basis of social demand and employment orientation of legal talents in higher vocational education, Based theory and practice of integrated curriculum model, highlighting the professionalism of curriculum construction, practicality and openness. To achieve this goal, teachers need to establish a scientific sense of the curriculum, strengthen teaching materials, teaching content reform, create a diversified teaching model, reform the practice of teaching.