本文分析了金融业行为风险、行为监管、金融消费者保护及其相互关系,指出审慎监管与行为监管(金融消费者保护)具有互补性、差异性,也有潜在冲突的可能。审慎监管与行为监管要有机平衡,不能顾此失彼。次贷危机表明,过去监管实践中更容易忽视行为监管,弱化金融消费者保护。危机后,各国都在加强行为监管。我国也需要结合国内实际情况,完善行为监管体系,形成审慎监管与行为监管有效互补的监管框架。“,”The paper analyzes the financial conduct risk, conduct supervision, financial consumer protection and their relationship, points out that the prudential supervision and financial consumer protection are complementary and different, but there is the potential conflict between them. The prudential supervision and the conduct supervision need to achieve a good balance, and neither should be neglected. The subprime crisis indicates that the past supervisory practices are more likely to ignore the conduct supervision and weak-en the financial consumer protection. After the crisis, most countries are strengthening the conduct supervision. In China, measures should be taken to improve the supervisory system and form a supervisory framework in which the prudential supervision and the con-duct supervision can be complementary based on China’s current situation.