省政府各部门、各直属机构: 《贵州省在筑省级机关事业单位职工基本医疗保险制度实施暂行办法》、《贵州省在筑省级机关事业单位职工大额医疗救助试行办法》、《贵州省省级单位国家公务员医疗补助试行办法》、《贵州省省级医疗照顾人员参加基本医疗保险后有关医疗保障待遇试行办法》已经省人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。根据我省实际,2003年4月1日省级医疗保险制度启动实施之前,省级机关事业单位职工医疗保障仍按《贵州省省级公费医疗管理暂行办法》(黔府办发〔1994〕96号)规定执行。
Provincial government departments and agencies directly under: Interim Measures for the Implementation of Basic Medical Insurance System for Workers and Staff in Provincial-Level Institutions and Institutions in Guizhou Province; Trial Measures for Large Medical Assistance to Workers and Staff in Provincial-Level Institutions and Institutions in Guizhou Province; Provincial Trial Measures for Medical Subsidies for Civil Servants at Provincial and Provincial Levels, and “Trial Measures on Medical Security after Provincial Medical Care Workers Participate in Basic Medical Insurance in Guizhou Province” have been promulgated by the provincial people’s government and are hereby issued to you. Please seriously implement the plan. According to the reality of our province, before the implementation of the provincial medical insurance system on April 1, 2003, the medical insurance for staff and workers of provincial organs and public institutions is still in accordance with the Provisional Regulations on the Administration of Provincial-level Public Health Care in Guizhou (Qian Fu Ban Fa [1994] 96 No.) Regulations.