根据江阴大桥南锚碇基础接触应力近百次的观测资料 ,揭示了层状岩层地基上大跨径悬索桥重力式嵌岩锚基础接触应力在施工及营运阶段的变化规律。实测结果表明 :不同施工阶段 ,锚碇基础不同部位接触应力呈现出不同的变化特征 ,锚碇运行处于安全状态
According to the observation data of nearly 100 times of the basic contact stress of South Anchorage of Jiangyin Bridge, the change rules of the contact stress of gravity embedded rock anchor of long-span suspension bridge foundation on layered rock strata during construction and operation phases are revealed. The measured results show that the contact stress of different parts of anchor base exhibits different characteristics at different construction stages, and the anchorage 碇 operation is in a safe state