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  There was a wedding this week in the family—the 1)NPR family. Sajid Mahmood, who manages our bureau in Islamabad, married off his sister-in-law.
  Twenty-five-year-old Rukhsana Gul, who is one of 10 sisters, wed 27-year-old Mehran Shahzad, who works in the security detail that 2)escorts the prime minister. A police band, made up of his colleagues, 3)heralds the groom’s arrival, 4)wending its way down a rubble-strewn alleyway crowded with wedding goers. Children 5)dart among the musicians, diving for 6)fluttering five-rupee notes tossed into the air by the groom’s all-male 7)entourage.
  The 8)jaunty music contrasts with the almost expressionless face of the groom, as he walks through a shower of rose petals. Pakistan’s conservative culture requires a sense of restraint, even on the most joyous occasions.
  Awaiting Mehran’s arrival, the bride is equally reserved. But she’s also wearing 10 pounds of heavy 9)crimson and gold material that make up her heavily beaded bridal gown. She barely moves in the 100-degree heat. An industrial fan provides little relief on the 10)sweltering rooftop where Rukhsana is perched statue-like. But she 11)stoically says being on display for the throng of guests is what being a Pakistani bride is all about.
  “The bride should stand out,” Rukhsana says, arranging her hands, which are covered in tattoos of red 12)henna. A thin gold ring wider than a silver dollar dangles from her nose. “This is our tradition,” she says. But the 13)veneer drops like melting 14)mascara. Actually, she admits, “I don’t usually wear makeup at all—or a nose ring.” As for the clothes, “I wish I could rip them off,” she laughs.
  In this sex-segregated celebration, women assemble on one roof and men gather across the street on another—where they eat first. I find the groom 15)cloistered in a sitting room of a neighbor’s house, surrounded by male relatives. His aspirations on his wedding day are for children yet unborn.
  “I want to spend a lot of time with my children, give them a good education and maybe a little better life than my own,” Mehran says.
  16)Pragmatism is also at work on these occasions, although it’s out of public view. A formal contract awards Rukhsana roughly $3,500 in gold, and 500 square yards of land, in case, her family says, the marriage doesn’t work.
  But as giddy children swarm, and guests dine on a simple Pakistani feast under colored splash canopies, it is the promise of a joyful future, and the unbroken cycle of life, that 17)abides.
提起樱花,我们会想起身穿和服、迈着小细步的日本妇女,想起婉转的乐曲、低矮的榻榻米,先进科技似乎与之沾不上边。但是,当今日本人追求的正是在传统背景下通过准确计算来延续祖辈的传承。    Each spring the gardens of Japan’s cities come to life with merry crowds—cherry trees are blossoming. From t
腊八节  Hi,大家好。我叫盼盼。我是一只来自中国的熊猫。我喜欢在中国到处游玩。今天,我要给大家讲讲中国的一个传统节日,叫做“腊八节”。你知道这个节日吗?  Know More  从先秦起,腊八节就是祭祀祖先和神灵,祈求丰收和吉祥的节日。后演化成纪念佛祖释伽牟尼成道的宗教节日。  民间传统的腊八粥,选用八种主料,八种佐料,以求与腊八的“八”相吻合,意喻吉利。主料为豆米。豆类有红豆、绿豆、豇豆、扁豆
芒果树  Let's Learn  go to bed去睡觉  go to…搭配不同的地点可变出很多表达。例如:go to school去上学;go to thecinema去看电影;go to the doctor去看病;qo to work去上班。  记住:go home回家是没有“to”的哦。  fall asleep睡着;入睡  例如:He often falls asleep durin
单词找一找  我们准备去野餐啦!在去野餐之前,通常需要准备些什么呢?你能帮忙从以下的字母表里找出这些单词吗?请把单词圈出来,或者用彩色笔标出来哦。
她的艺名伊丽莎·杜利特尔(Eliza Doolittle)源自萧伯纳名著《卖花女》,她的父母分别是英国音乐剧与舞台剧界知名的导演和女伶,她的外婆Sylvia Young是伦敦著名的戏剧学校Sylvia Young Theatre School的创办人;然而这位来自显赫戏剧世家的英伦女歌手年纪轻轻便决定向另一个领域进军,原因是“I got bored of doing the same things
提起小学生,你可能会想到“天真烂漫”、“少不更事”这类词,说到他们做的“坏事”,你可能想到揪一下女同学的辫子,给同学起外号,或者打打架这些事情。可是在网络时代,一切都变得不可思议。    Host: The world of cyber-bullying has been put in the spotlight by a video made by five elementary student
2006年10月,14岁的中学生Megan Meier遭遇网络暴力,因不堪忍受网友的恶毒辱骂在家里自杀身亡。而事后,人们发现,此事的“主谋”竟然是受害者之前的朋友兼邻居及其母亲Lori Drew,还有年轻的Ashley Grills。    We turn to that MySpace suicide story that made headlines all across the world.
伦敦  本站我们到达英国,让我们—起来认识一下英国的首都(capital)伦敦(London)吧!  大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,简称联合王国(英文:the United Kingdom)或不列颠(英文:Britain),通称英国,是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰(England)、苏格兰(Scotland)、威尔士(Wales)、爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰(NorthernIreland)以及一系列附属岛
“ON SALE”, “BUY ONE GET ONE FREE”, “70% OFF”…  且不说现在正值岁末消费狂潮,现今消费社会,日益高涨的软广告“对自己好一点”、“你值得拥有”等,不时以最温柔而致命的呼唤煽动着你的购买欲望。如果你总是觉得手上的钱不够用,便是时候想想换一种更具弹性的生活方式了……   “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s
Say you’re sorry   That face of an angel   Comes out just when you need it to   As I paced 1)back and forth all this time   ’Cause I honestly believed in you   Holding on   The days 2)drag on   Stupid