Living in Datong, Jinbei, it feels like living in a combination of rural and urban areas. When I was a child, I saw that farmers set up a dung store in the city. The term “shou shop” was supposed to disappear forever in Chinese contemporary dictionaries. What is a dung store? In winter, most of the seasonal institutions set up by farmers to collect dung from the city are mostly located on the edge of the city. When I was out of the hospital I could see their dung store. There was a dung draught car parked outside the store. The chimney store’s chimney always smoked in the winter morning. The people inside opened the door and a white heat appeared. One of the things they do when they come in and go in and out every day is to collect large excrements, collect them and collect them there, and they have to take pictures so that they can ferment. When they get hotter in the sky, they will be squandered out in lots. , and then put a lot of soil into