高明先生,北京大学考古系教授,今年73岁。 50年代,他从北大历史系毕业后,做过助教、讲师、副教授、教授,在北大任教至今。1995年,高明先生从系里退休后又被反聘,为学校带了16名硕士生,直到去年,才算真正脱离了教学工作,但他从来也没有间断过自己的学术研究。几十年来,他共发表论著一百五六十万字,出版的著作有《古文字类编》、《古文字学通论》、《帛书老
Mr. Gao Ming, professor of archeology at Peking University, is 73 years old this year. In the 1950s, after graduating from Peking University’s Department of History, he worked as a teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor and professor, teaching at Peking University so far. In 1995, Mr. Gao Ming retired from his department and was later employed. He took 16 master students to the school and did not really get out of teaching until last year. However, he never stopped his academic research. For decades, he has published a total of 1.56 million words of works, published works include “classics of ancient writing”, “ancient writing theory”, "silk book