目的:了解北流市育龄妇女人群不孕的发病情况、病因及高危因素。方法:采用整群抽样方法,在北流市随机抽取44个行政村,以其中18-49岁的已婚育龄妇女为调查对象,对已婚育龄夫妇作不孕症筛查、不孕症危险因素调查、体检和妇科检查。结果:在发放的21 824份问卷中,共收到21 239份调查问卷,有效率为97.32%。不孕症患病率为1.28%,其中原发性不孕率为0.71%(115/21 239),继发性不孕率为0.57%(121/21 239);输卵管梗阻、精液异常是不孕的主要因素。结论:要加强对育龄夫妇的生殖健康教育,提倡适龄结婚生育,不宜过多吸烟、饮酒,在接触有毒有害物质时要采取防护措施,注意防治盆腔感染等。
Objective: To understand the incidence, causes and risk factors of infertility among women of childbearing age in Beiliu City. Methods: A cluster sampling method was used to select 44 administrative villages randomly in Beiliu City. Among them, 18-49 married women of childbearing age were surveyed to screen infertile couples of married couples of childbearing age, and the risk of infertility Factor investigation, physical examination and gynecological examination. Results: Of the 21 824 questionnaires issued, 21 239 questionnaires were received, with an effective rate of 97.32%. The prevalence of infertility was 1.28%, of which the primary infertility rate was 0.71% (115/21 239), the secondary infertility rate was 0.57% (121/21 239); tubal obstruction, semen abnormality was not The main factor of pregnancy. Conclusion: It is necessary to strengthen reproductive health education for couples of childbearing age, promote age-matched marriage and childbirth, prevent excessive smoking and drinking, take protective measures when exposed to toxic and harmful substances, and pay attention to prevention and treatment of pelvic infection.