Progress in understanding fluids in mesopores

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An important feature of porous materials is the adsorption hysteresis: the amount of an atomic or molecular species adsorbed from the gas phase is not only dependent on the gas pressure, but may depend in certain ranges of pressure on the history. Thus, the system may respond in different ways to identical experimental conditions which seems to contradict classical thermody-namics. While the phenomenon is known since about a century, it has not yet found a consistent theoretical description. In the pres-ent talk, we will-based on results of computer simulations-formulate rules that provide a consistent basis for the behavior of confined systems, or even for inhomogeneous systems in general. In other words, we present a new theory (confined thermodynamics) with its own definitions and rules. It will turn out, that hysteretic behavior does not impose a conceptual challenge any more, but follows in a natural way from these rules. The approach which is employed in the simulations is very akin to the density functional method. All quantities defined develop into the standard thermodynamic expressions when the density of amount becomes homogeneous.The second part of the talk is devoted to the potential for practical use. It turns out that the new theory does not only remove conceptual problems, but at the same time opens the route to a number of new states found in porous systems which may lead to im-proved applications. In particular we will focus on the possibility to drive a fluid in a pore into exotic states with negative pressure, provided one has full control over the phenomenon of adsorption hysteresis. Negative pressure states are in principal known since the time of Torricelli and they have been in the literature as experimentally accessible situations. Still, they have not been turned into practical usefulness which is likely to be caused by the notion of their metastability in macroscopic systems. However, fluids con-fined to nanopores have been proven to show reproducible behaviour. The present time appears to be suited for exploring the new ap-plications resting in fluid/pore systems: since about a decade material scientists have started to prepare pores with increasing accura-cy from an increasing variety of substances. On the other hand, the new theory presented in the first part of the talk provides the tool to drive a fluid/pore system reliably into any of the exotic states found within a hysteresis loop. Prospects of a few applications will be discussed. An important feature of porous materials is the adsorption hysteresis: the amount of an atomic or molecular species adsorbed from the gas phase, not may only in dependent ranges on pressure on the history. Thus, the system may respond in different ways to identical experimental conditions which seems to contradict classical thermody-namics. While the phenomenon is known since about a century, it has not yet found a consistent theoretical description. In the pres-ent talk, we will-based on results of computer simulations-formulate rules that provide a consistent basis for the behavior of confined systems, or even for inhomogeneous systems in general. In other words, we present a new theory (confined thermodynamics) with its own definitions and rules. It will turn out that hysteretic behavior does not impose a conceptual challenge any more, but follows in a natural way from these rules. The approach which is employed in the simulations is very a kin to the density functional method. All turns defined that into the standard thermodynamic expressions when the density of amount becomes homogeneous. The second part of the talk is devoted to the potential for practical use. It turns out that the new theory does not only remove conceptual problems, but at the same time opens the route to a number of new states found in porous systems which may lead to im-proved applications. In particular we will focus on the possibility to drive a fluid in a pore into exotic states with negative pressure, provided one has full control over the phenomenon of adsorption hysteresis. Negative pressure states are in principal known since the time of Torricelli and they have been in literature the experimentally accessible situations. Still, they have not been turned into practical usefulness which is Perhaps to be caused by the notion of their metastability in macroscopic systems. However, fluids con-fined to nanopores have been proven to showreproductive behavior. The present time appears to be suited for exploring the new ap-plications resting in fluid / pore systems: since about a decade material scientists have started to prepare pores with increasing accura-cy from an increasing variety of substances. hand, the new theory presented in the first part of the talk provides the tool to drive a fluid / pore system securely into any of the exotic states found within a hysteresis loop. Prospects of a few applications will be discussed.
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1一般资料rn患者男,72岁,于2007年8月入院.入院前便秘2 d,入院前3 h用力排便时突然出现腹部刀割样疼痛,迅速波及全腹,伴有恶心、呕吐,呕吐物为胃内容物.入院呈急性痛苦貌.T 3