108分,9个分站赛冠军,德国车手舒马赫第三次登上了世界一级方程式锦标赛年度车手总冠军的宝座。170分,10个分站赛冠军,法拉利车队蝉联车队排行榜第一,事隔21年后,第一次把两个奖杯都捧回了意大利。 2000年的世界一级方程式锦标赛在马来西亚的雪邦赛道落下帷幕,法拉利车队无疑是最大的赢家。前两年风光无限的麦克拉伦-奔驰车队,在法拉利积蓄数年后发动的强大攻势面前暴露出车队战术方面的缺陷,只好将荣誉拱手相让;老牌劲旅威
108 points, nine race champion, German Schumacher third boarded the world championship drivers championship of the throne. 170 points, 10 races champion, Ferrari team reelection ranks first in the car, after 21 years, for the first time the two trophies are blown back to Italy. The 2000 Formula One World Championship came to a close at the Sepang circuit in Malaysia, with Ferrari undoubtedly the biggest winner. In the past two years, the infamous McLaren-Mercedes team exposed the flaws in the team’s tactics in the face of the powerful offensive that Ferrari had accumulated for years.